Friday, 20 April 2012

Trip to Bali Part 2

As promised, this entry is about Bali again and I hope this will be the last entry on it, not the last trip to Bali ... hehehe...ala2 verangan nak g lagi la ni...Tapi Bali mmg sempoi...

Let's see...

On my 2nd day in Bali, I went for sightseeing. Yea lorr... kalau x g melawat tempat-tempat tumpuan pelancong, gimana nak tau budaya mereka...yea x?

Earlier on before departing to Bali, I've arrange with a local guide for a half day tour in several tourists attraction in some part of Bali.

A few hours in front of my lappy (sampai keluaq ayaq mata mengadap screen) and blog walking from 1 blog to another... (sib baik x berpeluh - peluh sbb its eventually didn't need any physical movement except for my fingers to dance on the keyboard and my eyes to read >_< I end up contacting this fella, Ketut Diana.

Don't be fooled, the name read as "Diana" but it's a man. I managed to ask him about it later when I met him in Bali, it seems that the name Diana is a comman name for male!! Hmm...sib baik nama aku bukan Diana.

His rate is reasonable and can be consider as cheap. USD20 for a half day trip, lebih kurang RM60.00 waktu tu utk half day trip. Ok what...? This Ketut Diana may be reached at this web address and his profile and tour company can also be view at Manalah tau kot2 esok-esok korang pulak nak gi Bali, kumpullah duit dari sekarang...ngeh ngeh ngeh...

So, enjoy the pictures on souveniours that I managed to take and sensored (some of the souveniours are a bit "nasty looking" walaupun ada yg satu dua terlepas gak kat sini)

These photos were taken from several souveniours shops.

Later, I went to Jimbaran, a fishing village and tourist attraction located to the south of Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali.

The purpose of going to Jimbaran was to have seafood dinner while looking at the sunset...perghhhh, macamlah kat sini xde sunset at the beach...hmmm. The food was delicious but expensive, yup really really expensive...jutaan rupiah yea. The dish that I chose was priced at Rph. 3,800,00.00 (about RM1,271.00!!) Tak percaya? Percayalah....mahal sebab ader lobster kot...

Oh, the nite before (the 1st day of arrival) I had dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe since I was occupying the hotel. The food was so-so, nothing that special just like other HR Cafe I guess except that this cafe is in Bali so for Muslim patrons, do ask before you order...

Well, I guess that's it for now...hope that you enjoy reading it as I enjoyed writing it...


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