Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Hati - Apa ada dalam hati?


Salah satu organ vital dalam seseorang. Apa ada dalam hati? Betulkah hati sering dikaitkan dengan perasaan? Kenapa mesti hati? Kenapa tidak hempedu, paru-paru atau buah pinggang?

Apa ada dalam hati? Hanyalah darah2 yg mengalir di pam ke seluruh tubuh/jasad manusia. Apa istimewanya hati? Kerana hati lah kita berperasaan...

Macam x logik je kan? Tapi itulah indahnya kejadian manusia. Perasaan kasih, sayang, rindu, marah, benci, sakit hati dan sebagainya terbit dari hati... Apa istimewanya hati manusia? Haiwan juga punyai hati...tapi berperasaan kah hati haiwan? Tiada raser, yang ada hanya lah naluri kebinatangan nya sahaja.

Hanya manusia sahaja lah yg mempunyai pelbagai raser dalam hati seperti di atas.

Aduh, sulit sangat kah nk memahami...? Ya, nampaknya seolah-olah terlalu sulit untuk difahami.
Perasaan yang terbit dari hati itu lah yang minta dibelai setiap masa. Perasaan itu juga lah yang sering membuai mimpi-mimpi indah di benak fikiran.

Betapa indahnya hati ketika ia disemai cinta, dan betapa sakitnya hati bila ia terluka. Semua nya terletak pada hati. Sukarnya juga untuk dimengertikan akan hati. Sering kali diri sendiri tidak bisa juga untuk mengawal hati, seolah-olah hati ini punya benak yang lain dari otak kita yang satu, yang dengan sendirinya mengawal apa yang hati itu sendiri mahu raser. Yang sakitnya adalah tuan punya diri kerana terpaksa melayan hati sendiri.

Jangan cakaplah klu hati dilukai...aduh, itu yang paling tidak mahu, paling mahu dihindarkan. Sebabnya mudah aje, kerana luka di hati amat sukar untuk dipulihkan...parutnya walau tiada, pasti meninggalkan kesan yang dalam. Yang amat pedih, yang pasti sukar untuk dilupai oleh minda.

Hati juga seringkali mencurangi diri kita sendiri. Kadang2 kita sendiri tak bisa nak mengawal apa yang bakal diraserkan oleh hati.

Sering kali itu juga aku sendiri terjebak dalam permainan hati sendiri dan akhirnya aku juga tewas kepada kehendak hati...

Duhai hati, bertabahlah di kau...

Monday, 27 January 2014

Do you know what you really want?

Do you know what you want?

It's a very simple question but really had to be think over and over again. A simple question but the answer couldn't be that simple...

I can't even decide on what I really, really want in life, at work, in family!! It's just too complicated. Or is it? Life is complicated on the whole. I might want this today but by tomorrow I will end up in wanting something else.

Why can't I decide on one thing only? Is it because I am human? Or it is just because I can't make up my mind?? Simply because today I find a thing that is so special but then by tomorrow, it wont be that special anymore...

Why can't it simply stay special all the way to the end so that I don't need to decide anymore?
Have you decided on what you want? Can you decide and choose ONLY ONE? Could you?


Monday, 13 January 2014


How often that I would come across kids and parents in the morning doing acrobatics styles and freestyles on the roads???!!! All the time sadly, all the time!
We love our kids and young children, big or small, minor or youngsters. But how seldom that we take precaution and safety measure just to ensure their safety? Some of us even dare to claim that we love our children but when it comes to safety, it's always a compromised measures and most of the times we neglet their safety.
Father(s) sending off their children to school on motobikes wears helmet but their kids?? Helloooo, u think your kids' head are carved out of stone???! Uolls pakai helmet but your kids, x pakai. Kot klu jatuh, baru nk menyesal ke haper? Alasan: hantar anak ke sekolah x kan nk bwk helmet sekali, lagipun dekat je...depan tu aje...Bang, klu nk jadi sesuatu, x sempat smpi simpang luar pun la...
How often that I stopped to buy nasi lemak or kueh at the roadsite that I had to simply tapped on the parent(s) or abang or kakak because they simply left small kids upright in their motorbike!!! Haiiyooo...u ingat budak tu nak masuk acrobatik ke apa, kena imbangkan badan atas motor??!! And pastu buat muka komot2 sbb orang lain tegur?? Sila amik seterika and iron your face flat la weii... Lemau ahhh korang nih.
Kot jatuh motor tu, kesian budak kecik tu la, silap2 hancur kaki kena hempap dek motor!! Klu jadi cenggitu, korang nk salahkan diri korang ke? NOPE!! Sure budak tu jugak la yg kena sbb x tau duduk diam??? Elok orang yg macam korang, aku gelek je ngan steamroll kot baru bole pk!
X kesah la itu anak kandung ke, anak tiri ke, anak angkat ke adik ke, but keselamatan diaorg kat tangan korang. Your own flesh and blood kot! Klu dlm keta tu especially yg dok depan tu pakailah seatbelts, x susah pun less than 3 seconds je kot.
Klu dengar radio, baca sokabar... how many times ada article pasal keselamatan nih. Rasernya hari2 kot. Tu belom masuk lagi yg terlanggar anak sendiri masa undurkan kereta dan sebagainya. Memang betul malang x berbau, but klu bole dielakkan, elakkan la. Itu menunjukkan usaha kita agar x nak perkara yg x diingini berlaku. Nak suruh buat cenggitu pun payah ke?
Ishh la haii...mak kucing pun klu anak2 kecik merayau, bising satu umah cari anak, digonggong nye balik masuk bakul, siap dikepit lagi soh dok diam!
Klu nk citer psl keselamatan kanak2 bawah tanggungjawab ibubapa atau yg lebih tua nih...the list might goes on and on with no fullstop!
Senang citer cenggini lah, klu korang sayangkan anak2 korang tu, silalah ambil all the safety measures yg terpikir oleh otak2 korang yg bijak tu sbg langkah keselamatan, kalau korang x buat jugak...if anything happens, sila salahkan diri sendiri dulu yea sebelom nak salahkan orang lain...
Love your children, our future generation.
Thanks for reading.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

What's there on the surface?

Hari ni nk mengarut on a more serious topic, bole?

"What's there on the surface?" atau "Don't judge the books by its cover"...

Hampir nak sama kot makna kedua2 bidalan nih. Sebab by looking on the surface of a river (misalnya) you won't know what lies in the water, kot ada batu, ada ranting kayu, tunggul kayu, buaya dan sebagainya. Same goes by looking from a book cover, you won't know what stories lies within the chapters until you took the time to read it.

Samalah macam manusia kot. Yang kita nampak di depan mata, bukanlah sesuatu yg sebenarnya di dalam hati. Yang kelihatan hanyalah yang zahir, tetapi batinnya, perasaan nya? Hanya yang empunya diri dan Yang Esa sahaja yg mengetahui!

Melihatkan air muka seseorang bole juga kita meneka akan perasaannya ketika itu. Tetapi...ada tapi nya, manusia kan pelakon di pentas dunia. Bisa saja dia melakonkan wataknya dengan baik sekali, gimana? Kita pasti tertipu kan...?

A person could be as jolly as a kid, but deep within he/she is crying silently. Crying silently...bad bad. Oneself must be hurt deeply just to cry without tears ;(

Sometimes a person might upload a friendly and happy status in all over the social network(s) that he/she is registered to, but that too cannot really reflect on what the person feel. Only a person whose close to that particular person might guess/know that something's amiss in the status.

Sometimes, it's much easier to act happy than to show that you are sad. It's easier to act wacky when you are actually crying inside. Because a person just need to divert his/her actual feeling rather than being vulnerable to others.

Most cases, you will be doing just the opposite of what you really are, simply to satisfied whatever one is feeling. Or just that he/she don't want to be hurt, feel vulnerable again. It's like a shield that is up in front of you, just to keep you from shattering/ broken to pieces all over the place.

If only I might be of help...if only you just let me help...only God knows that I'll be more than willing to help. If only you can see the sincerity of my helping hands...if only you let me...

Remember, life on earth is only a journey or part of a journey for you to get to the eternal place. Love is all about sharing, about taking care of each other, being for each other...

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Women are emotional drivers??

I am not a fantastic driver, nor am I excellent. But after being on the roads and highways as a lady driver myself, I can conclude that women are more emotional behind wheels and anything that had to do with roads and transports...ha ha

I dont want to sound sexist as much as I do but it's the truth...most women put their emotional drive more while driving!! Oh, no...I tried not to be one...hehehe

My so called theory based on my daily observation while's not an intellegent theory that you must agreed to, but hey, I think my theory(s) sounded acceptable...ha ha. Well, at least to me! LOL

These are the facts that I think are most realiable:

- lady drivers muka memang ketats masa memandu [well, this I sincerely blame PMS!]  ;)

- most lady drivers have terrible parking skills, no matter whether she driving a compact car or not..a good example would be my dear sis...hehehe...sorry babe, well...remember that 1 time that we need to switch places as driver when you can't park in Sogo basement parking? LOL

- this I like so much, going through toll booth with male patrons in the booth!! Well, I rather Q for a male toll booth coz I know that male worker collecting money would gladly be responsive when you smile and said 'Thank you' and they will answer you back WITH A SMILE, saying "Welcome"!!
If, I'd like to stress out that IF you are so unlucky to get a female worker behind a toll booth...ha ha...well watch out. They might pull their ketats face when you say 'Thank you' and wont even look your way...!
Ciss, muka ketats macam baru cucuk botox...sombong!! Betul. Trust me. Next time you came accross a manual toll booth, look for a different when you are attended by male or female worker...he he he

- I find that male drivers are sometimes...ok, maybe most of the times are more relax when driving! Yelah kot, abang2 yg driving sambil layan lagu kat radio tu...well, you make my day la abang. Especially if I am stuck in massive traffic, pandang keta sebelah abang tu beria nyanyi2 dlm keta...hehe (Yup, I can see through your screen tau) and that most of the times will definitely make me smile and then I, myself would turn up the volume of the radio and sing along to any number that are being played...hihi
Well, such an impact tau seeing another driver sing along happy2, of course lah I pun akan happy2 ikut sama nk nyanyi in my car!! Suara sedap x sedap, itu belakang kira...LOL

Well, the list goes on and on...