Monday, 13 January 2014


How often that I would come across kids and parents in the morning doing acrobatics styles and freestyles on the roads???!!! All the time sadly, all the time!
We love our kids and young children, big or small, minor or youngsters. But how seldom that we take precaution and safety measure just to ensure their safety? Some of us even dare to claim that we love our children but when it comes to safety, it's always a compromised measures and most of the times we neglet their safety.
Father(s) sending off their children to school on motobikes wears helmet but their kids?? Helloooo, u think your kids' head are carved out of stone???! Uolls pakai helmet but your kids, x pakai. Kot klu jatuh, baru nk menyesal ke haper? Alasan: hantar anak ke sekolah x kan nk bwk helmet sekali, lagipun dekat je...depan tu aje...Bang, klu nk jadi sesuatu, x sempat smpi simpang luar pun la...
How often that I stopped to buy nasi lemak or kueh at the roadsite that I had to simply tapped on the parent(s) or abang or kakak because they simply left small kids upright in their motorbike!!! Haiiyooo...u ingat budak tu nak masuk acrobatik ke apa, kena imbangkan badan atas motor??!! And pastu buat muka komot2 sbb orang lain tegur?? Sila amik seterika and iron your face flat la weii... Lemau ahhh korang nih.
Kot jatuh motor tu, kesian budak kecik tu la, silap2 hancur kaki kena hempap dek motor!! Klu jadi cenggitu, korang nk salahkan diri korang ke? NOPE!! Sure budak tu jugak la yg kena sbb x tau duduk diam??? Elok orang yg macam korang, aku gelek je ngan steamroll kot baru bole pk!
X kesah la itu anak kandung ke, anak tiri ke, anak angkat ke adik ke, but keselamatan diaorg kat tangan korang. Your own flesh and blood kot! Klu dlm keta tu especially yg dok depan tu pakailah seatbelts, x susah pun less than 3 seconds je kot.
Klu dengar radio, baca sokabar... how many times ada article pasal keselamatan nih. Rasernya hari2 kot. Tu belom masuk lagi yg terlanggar anak sendiri masa undurkan kereta dan sebagainya. Memang betul malang x berbau, but klu bole dielakkan, elakkan la. Itu menunjukkan usaha kita agar x nak perkara yg x diingini berlaku. Nak suruh buat cenggitu pun payah ke?
Ishh la haii...mak kucing pun klu anak2 kecik merayau, bising satu umah cari anak, digonggong nye balik masuk bakul, siap dikepit lagi soh dok diam!
Klu nk citer psl keselamatan kanak2 bawah tanggungjawab ibubapa atau yg lebih tua nih...the list might goes on and on with no fullstop!
Senang citer cenggini lah, klu korang sayangkan anak2 korang tu, silalah ambil all the safety measures yg terpikir oleh otak2 korang yg bijak tu sbg langkah keselamatan, kalau korang x buat jugak...if anything happens, sila salahkan diri sendiri dulu yea sebelom nak salahkan orang lain...
Love your children, our future generation.
Thanks for reading.

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